martes, 27 de septiembre de 2016

First Lession

Let’s begin by answering a few questions…..

1.- What is your name?

My name is Eduardo Nicolás Cárdenas Vallejos. I am 20 years old. 

2.- What do you study?

I study for will be a Journalism. I am a Journalist student. 

3.- Do you like English? Why/Why not?

Yes, I do. Because it is the language that themselves speak in Seattle, the crudle of Grunge. 

4.- How often do you listen to music in English?

Everyday. I listen to radio sonar. In this frecuence play all the day music in English, specifically rock music, also Grunge. 

5.- When do you watch movies in English?

Always. I think about for put the link with the movie in English. 

6.- Which is the most difficult aspect of English for you?

The most difficult of English is that is not my mother's language and understand it when someone speak it. 

7.- How do you plan to overcome the problems that you have regarding the English language?

My plan is confront it everyday. Follow to listen to music in English. Many practice. 

Resultado de imagen para grunge bands   These are Grunge bands.

Motumbo, Mazambo y Mondongo

Resultado de imagen para milk coffee and tv

bla bla bla

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