martes, 13 de diciembre de 2016

An Expert in my Field

Hello there. I feel that you will go to disagree.

When I started studying journalism, I realize me that I left school without know write. The worse it is that I didn't realize until my first course of redaction in the career, with miss Carolina Muñoz. Althought it was very, very difficult in the start, and his method is very complicated for following, I identified my errors and I started to write relatively good.

In this ocassion, I will speak about Carolina Muñoz, who is a redaction teacher at the Institute currently. The few that, in fact, I know is:

She was married and separated. In her marriage she had a daughter, currently an adolescent. Also she lived in France and knowed people that died in the attack to Bataclan Theatre in Paris. Currently she live in Santiago Centro, close to Plaza Yungay. And before to be a redaction teacher, she was the journalism career director at Universidad de Santiago. In effect, she get her journalism degree in the same university. She declarate her publicly a feminist.

My liking to her is because she learned to me too much, the most important in this profession is the writing, and also who accept without problems to be my assistant in the monograph essay for get the Bachiller degree. According to some of my partners, she is too complicated, she have a method very hateful, she is too specific. So how I learned to write, also I could respect her. In the end, I believe that she is a very good teacher.


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